In a world filled with chaos, Mick the Mercenary, a self-employed hit man, is visited by a nearby US military veteran, Chester the Combat Vet. The two form an alliance when the leader of a mercenary compound offers a position for the two to assassinate a list of bounties. As the newly-found associates accept the position, Mick and Chester soon realize they have agreed to more than they bargained for.
I felt like making a movie about some characters my friends and I made up a while back, so I began the script last Spring, and thus, Mick the Mercenary: The Movie was born. Enjoy the VFX and aluminum foil grenades!
Also featuring many Newgrounds Audio Portal songs:
Devastus - Stormrider, From the Depths, Untamed, Ascend, Viking Barbers From Space
lhceist41 - Nepenthes' Will, Lurking
Marterro - The Final Encounter
Meidon - Crossing the Battlefield
Blizzaine - Unnamed Hip Hop WIP