Everything about this is absolute fire, love the character designs, the sepia tones, voice acting, animation, pacing, comedy, it's all gold. EXCELLENT WORK!!
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Everything about this is absolute fire, love the character designs, the sepia tones, voice acting, animation, pacing, comedy, it's all gold. EXCELLENT WORK!!
Thank you I have no idea how it came together the way it did.
So intense, so powerful, so violent, so beautiful. Love the continued inclusion of the smears in the animation, and the impacts from the anticipation on the movements feel meticulously crafted and satisfying as hell. The brash sound of gunfire, slashing, and wonderful splattering splashed onto the fierceness of the carnage just cranks the intensity to its limit, and Cheshyre's signature snappy digital melodies brushed throughout his audio track breathe a funky, dangerous atmosphere that enclose the trademark brazen landscapes and convolution of pipes and wires into a shadowy colosseum of madness.
As always, so much personality and voice can be heard without our cast of characters uttering a single word. The Auditor is as terrifying as ever, and witnessing Sanford trying to get the fuck out of there as soon as he phased in shows that his power remains to be feared. The intermittent closeups delve us into their personalities on a more intimate level; I could just feel Sanford's agony in between the MAGs that had gotten a hold of him and the explosion of rage that erupted during his escape. So glad to see his very own journey and--after all these years--him finally reunited with his OG weapon: hook. Also I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen a MAG kill another member of the AAHW purely out of frustration.
The intricately placed attacks in the choreography, the constant surprises, clever tricks and continued additions to the enemy and character lineup make this all remain a blast to experience. To this day, nothing excites me more than to witness the original Madness Combat advance forward. Excellent work, all of you. Just fucking perfection.
Holy shit that was fucking incredible, I feel like I haven't seen anything like this around here in ages; the dystopian sci-fi retro anime aesthetic, audio and overall atmosphere are just pinpointed to perfection, and even with only brief moments of dialogue the story is very clearly communicated. Action is cool, the moments between our two protagonists are somber yet heartwarming, and when we get deep enough we start seeing the horror. Nailed it, this kicked ass, amazing work.
I appreciate that a lot. I always minimize dialogue if I can. It's easier on our only voice actor....Me.
Haha, pretty cool. Awesome that you included all these people, including me. But I am not a black guy!
hahahah, yeah there are a couple joke about the way the members don't look like how they really look. sabtastic is also a black guy in this game lol.
Very neat idea, was a pleasure to work on and I think it really lit up the month and Christmas season just a little bit more! Each animation was fun to watch in its own unique way, whether it was funny dialogue, cool-looking animation, or simply border-line-terrifying. Thank you for this project! Very awesome.
Pretty Good
I was surprised, this was actually not a bad Flash game. It was hilarious, first of all, and the targets popped up for just the right amount of time so it wasn't too hard or too easy. The Trololol Guy's head and the Nyan Cat targets were also nice little bonus touches. I wish maybe the levels would change or something, but it's a great base.
Oooooh it's beautiful. It's like the most wonderful 90s synthesizer song ever. Nailed it once again, my friend.
It's like one of the greatest Kirby tunes I've ever heard, excellent work, my dudes!!
This is the next best thing to MC10's theme, I think. It's so spooky and crazy, it fits MC11 so perfectly that I don't think it could be perfected any further. Awesome work!!!
Thank you!!!
This is fantastic, love the organic, crazy lines and neon-like colors. It's always cool having so much to look at in drawings like this, you can stare forever and catch something new each time.
This is pretty dope, love the colors, line art, poses and expressions.
That's pretty wicked, love the clean gradient glow. Everythin' POPS
Self-taught artist, animator, game dev, voice actor & Flashgitz crewmember. I love funbags, heavy metal, fighting games and things that go POW-POW KA-BOOM, M0TH3RFKR!!!
Joined on 6/1/07